The Cupcake Competition
Posted on: September 16, 2020, by : Craig McEwenEven during the lockdown, it was very important for our trainees to continue developing and learning their skills and training at home.
All trainees were invited to attend weekly check-ins via Zoom, the video-calling app used by many businesses during this unprecedented age. During these virtual meetings, trainees not only had the opportunity to communicate and update each other on a personal level, but were able to refine their professional skills. This came in a number of ways, from comprehensive learning of Zoom features to fulfilling tasks assigned to them at home.
One of these tasks grew into a Cupcake Competition between the trainees. This competition not only gave the trainees something to work towards and look forward to, but was the perfect opportunity for our trainees to develop their skills and experience. Working at The Usual Place, baking is a very important part of daily service to provide customers with our delicious scones, traybakes and cakes. This provides them with many transferable skills while they accurately measure ingredients, safely operate ovens, mixers and other kitchen appliances and cut and decorate with precision.
While all the trainees who competed in the competition created spectacular treats, making judging an almost impossible feat, only one winner and two runners up could be chosen.
Skye was declared the winner with her beautiful Cherry and Coconut cupcakes. James was a runner up with his creative Carrot and Orange cupcakes, and Ross was a runner-up with his balanced Lime and Coconut cupcakes.
Well Done to everyone involved in the Cupcake Competition, and to each of our trainees who were able to dedicate time to continued learning during such a challenging time.